罗伯特和弗吉尼亚·鲍曼 Scholarship established at 十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校


罗伯特和弗吉尼亚·鲍曼, namesakes of the 罗伯特和弗吉尼亚·鲍曼 Scholarship for 轨道交通工程 (RTE)在十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校. The scholarship was established thanks to a gift by the couple's sons Robert 杰弗里·鲍曼. 


阿尔图纳,爸爸. ——十大网投平台信誉排行榜校友罗伯特·鲍曼, 1969届毕业生, 杰弗里·鲍曼, 1973届毕业生, 赚了250美元,000 gift commitment to establish the 罗伯特和弗吉尼亚·鲍曼 Scholarship for 轨道交通工程 (RTE)在十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校. The scholarship honors the lives of their parents, 罗伯特和弗吉尼亚·鲍曼.

The scholarship will support full-time students enrolled or planning to enroll in the RTE program. The goal of the fund is to benefit and help sustain students with demonstrated academic excellence and a strong commitment to a career in rail transit.

“当我们第一次听说十大网投平台信誉排行榜的RTE项目时, we believed it was the perfect opportunity to express our gratitude to 十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校 for the education we received in preparing us for our careers in engineering,杰弗里说。. “It also enabled us to honor the legacy of our parents and to celebrate the essential role of railroading in our family’s history and the city of 阿尔图纳.”

罗伯特·C. 鲍曼和E. Virginia Smith were born and raised in 阿尔图纳 and married in 1943. They both served their country during World War II: Robert for three years in the Army Air Corps in the South Pacific, 弗吉尼亚州的一名注册护士.

除了他在军队服了三年兵役, 罗伯特整个成年期都在铁路公司工作. “He was the quintessential company man, a dedicated employee,杰弗里说。. 从做工人开始, Robert worked his way up through the ranks to become assistant general superintendent of the Samuel Rea Shops in Hollidaysburg, 宾西法尼亚. 他的父亲, 克拉伦斯•鲍曼, 和祖父, 查尔斯•鲍曼, 也在宾夕法尼亚铁路公司工作.

铁路也深深扎根于弗吉尼亚的家庭. 她的父亲, 查尔斯·史密斯, was an engineer on steam locomotives; her brother, 杰克•史密斯, a fireman on the railroad; and her grandfather, 约翰·韦斯特利·拉特, 内战老兵, had a 45-year career with the 宾西法尼亚 Railroad as a conductor.

战后, Robert and Virginia built a house in the East End of 阿尔图纳 and raised their two sons. One of their top priorities was providing a quality education as a foundation for a rewarding career.

Robert and Jeffrey began their college educations in engineering at the 阿尔图纳 campus in 1965 and 1969, 分别. Robert completed his degree in electrical engineering at the University Park campus in 1969. Jeffrey received his degree in nuclear engineering in 1973, also from University Park.

“We believe this is an ideal way to give back by helping future generations of students prepare for successful careers,罗伯特说。. “We are excited to endow this scholarship program and are impressed with the level of industry support the RTE program is receiving. We believe the future of railroading in the United States is bright and that the scholarships provided by this endowment will help attract talented students and support them as they prepare for productive careers in the railroad industry.”

罗伯特和杰弗里用了这250美元,以利用遗产挑战, 提供10美元的大学比赛,000, to be directed immediately to annual scholarships over a 四年 period, 当捐献人承诺一个新的计划捐赠250美元,000美元或更多的奖学金. The Bowman brothers will further activate this gift by adding $16,每年1000万, and students may begin to receive awards as early as the fall semester of 2022.

“We are thankful for Robert and Jeffrey’s gift to establish the Robert and Virginia Bowman 轨道交通工程 Scholarship in memory of their parents,Lori J说。. 十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校校长兼院长Bechtel-Wherry说. “This scholarship will provide permanent funding for students who are interested in our college’s RTE program. Robert and Jeffrey’s gift will reduce the cost of students’ education while also providing them with more time to focus on their academic pursuits. We are sincerely grateful for Robert and Jeffrey’s support of our RTE students.”

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